
Summer 2005 : still rocking the #livredd crew

Summer moves into the year 2005, only to move on.

Since our last update, we've lost a few losers and gained another new bunch of winners. Win some, lose some, right? We've not actually said goodbye, but we haven't really seen them come back for a lousy chat, so allthough these people aren't shitlisted yet, they are still listed here as potential losers:

plumbo (~plumbo_99@217-165-202.adsl.tele2.no) was last seen quitting from #livredd 160 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes ago stating ()

Shinzon (~Degra@062016219015.customer.alfanett.no) was last seen quitting from #livredd 227 days, 12 hours, 24 minutes ago stating (Quit: Leaving).

EmEm is on and off at times, but he hasn't been saying much lately.

The two newest additions to the channel are two girls, A-Gril & Ingrid. And mrimrme decided to invite a friend of his, the gekke Mellow_G. Welcome you are - indeed.

<@IKEA> gekke: hen die sparen het leven zijn gekke (or: die levensparern zijn gekke) gekke livredders anyway

What a bunch of crap, right? Well, summer's no time for chats and leisure, but join us for a first hand on masturbation and the filth of the world. Not that it makes sense to any of us.

Peace out!