
What does LIVREDD mean?

The people behind #livredd are all Norwegian, so we speak what we call Norsk (Norwegian), thus livredd is a Norwegian word which basically means scared stiff or terrified, but the way we use it is a bit different. The word consists of two morphemes: liv & redd. Liv means life, redd means scared. So what we wanted to express with our name is that we're (shit) scared of life.

Life was supposed to be beautiful. Something went wrong.

And now you know. You're welcome.



It all began at some point, back in 98 or 99 or whatever and whatnot. Then we got paused, only to resume in our current channel, #livredd, on the third of August in 2001. Since then, we've said hello and goodbye to a few people.

Lately, it seems, we've been growing again. Only yesterday, I added yet another bot, Bansh33, named after the Chicago-based rapper Banshee. And recently some people have joined us and one has even decided to return after 2 years. The recent joiners are EmEm, |plumbo| and Shinz0n. Lebbe is the resurrected one (used to be LivEBad). Only time will tell whether or not these peeps will stay with us or become statistics.

Who cares about time anyway?