
We're number one

Ok, so what the fuck and laughing out loud and you talk about #livredd and you talk about #livredd and when someone says 'quit' or goes dumb, the chat is over. There's at least two guys to a chat, one topic at a time, no shirt, no shoes, chats go on as long as they have to, and if this is your first night, you have to chat!

This isn't really a blog, at least I don't think so. It's just a gathering point for all the information you need on the number one channel in the world, and indeed it does sound pretentious, but who really gives a damn?

The people you meet in #livredd have all got the ability to drop a line or two in this blog - if that is indeed what it is. But will they? And will I? And who am I?

I'm Frédéric. Call me Poeten. And in one sentence, I will mention the other peeps you can meet in #livredd: mgns (Magnus), sneball (Anders), mrimrme (Matthijs), aba (Andy), silence (Kim), jiha (Markus) and our two dedicated bots IKEA and Diktafon. They rule. No, we rule. I rule. Whatever. Some folks just rule.

So join us. #livredd - located on the fabulous EFNet.

Geek out.